Thursday, October 21, 2010

Demons 2 (1987)

I started off my movie reviews with Demons, a brilliant, gory, horror film with a Heavy Metal soundtrack to boot! Its sequel is no slacker. It holds up just as well as the original. While I personally prefer the original this one is an amazing film that you REALLY need to see if you like gory horror flicks.

Title - Demons 2
Year - 1987
Country - Italy

In the second Demons the action takes place in a 10 story apartment complex called “the Tower.” We’re introduced to shitload more characters then there were in the first film (which is fine because that means more Demons). A security guard, a lonely woman and her dog, a family, a little boy, a gym full of body builders and a trainer played by the same guy who played the pimp in the first demons, a student and his pregnant girl (these two, somehow, end up the heroes in the end), a guy and a chick who are really horny, a bunch of party goers and most importantly, a bitch named sally who’s having a birthday party. Much like the first film there’s a film within a film involved. This time though is on TV in the apartment building. Apparently they only have one channel, or there’s just nothing else on because all of the characters just happen to be watching it. In this (made for TV) film within a film four teenagers go to the “Forbidden Zone” which is apparently the town that was infested by demons in the first film. Short story even shorter, a demon gets resurrected in this “Forbidden Zone,” comes back and kills the luckless teens just like any good film should. Our bitch friend Sally is off alone in her room because she’s having her period or some shit  Ok, so she’s watching this TV right and the demon in the movie FUCKING SEE’S HER FROM WITHIN THE TV AND COMES OUT! Yup, that shit actually happens. Sally is attacked and transforms into a DEMON. Just as the time to sing happy birthday comes she comes to blow out her candles and transforms right over the cake! Sadly, the cake is ruined =( Oh and she totally attacks every one at the party and turns them all into demons. And from there the demon infestation begins! The rest of the movie, just like the first, involves every one in the building trying to stay alive. Though unlike the first film where most of the main characters are all together this film has them all on there own through most of the film. Their stories tend to flip flop around until the final act when there are only like, two people left… The Demons seemed to gain a new ability; they now have acidic blood it seems. For some reason their acid blood ends up shorting all the power in the building out. This also traps them all inside because, apparently, the doors can only be opened with electricity? Later on we’re introduced to another four assholes in a car that, much like the original four, seem to serve little purpose then to take up screen time.

Great movie! The plot is good despite the awful way they had the outbreak starts. The characters actually get a lot more attention in this one then they did in the first but it doesn’t distract from the demon slaughter thankfully. Special effects are awesome as one would expect coming from the makers of the first film. The make up effects for the secondary demons leaves a bit to be desired though, the “major” demons that get a lot of screen time look amazing but the others looks like generic zombies as opposed to the gruesome looking demons you would expect. There’s actually more suspense in this film then the first due to the isolation of characters. Demon make up looks pretty good. The transformation scenes are awesome as usual; I thought the one in the original was better done though. We also get to see a dog turned into a Demon Dog! It looks cool as shit. The dog’s transformation is also pretty sick looking! We also get to see a little kid demon, who gets a chest busting scene where a gruesome looking REAL demon rips out of the kid and attacks the pregnant chick. This scary little shit looks awesome! Just think Gremlins but a bit more gruesome. There are lots of scares in this one to make you jump! Like the first film, lots of great gore effects. The acting is basicly the same as the original; hard to judge due to it being a dubbed film. The movies ending is a tad bit nonsensical but so is the rest of the film so you can forgive it. I was actually expecting a twist like in the first, but unfortunatly it was pretty straight forward. Sadly there’s no Metal in this movie =( Instead we’re treated to 80s British Wave Bands… Eh, could be worse. The theme song though, is bad-ass much liethe first films theme was.
Overall, a great movie that’s right up to par with the first. It’s a very fitting sequel to a great movie. I highly recommend this movie to everyone who likes horror and gore. If you’re a fan of the fist, you need to see this one! Oh, and if you’re slacking and haven’t seen the original, HURRY THE FUCK UP! Watch them both back to back!

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